Teen Drama Film: A film that mainly focuses on teenagers and young adults. They mainly focus on the coming of age, the tough battles teenagers struggle through, their ups and downs, going through adolescence. You will often see feelings of romance, friendship, and is often plotted in school.
How may the title credits differ?
The title credits often differ based on the type of company the film is being made by.
For example, one film that we studied, Mean Girls, made by the very well-known multi-million production company Paramount, has a much lengthier title credit list than My Brother The Devil, another film we studied. The reason for this is because Mean Girls was produced by Paramount which is a conglomerate company, meaning they have grouped many companies together for an even bigger production so there would need to be a lot more people credited, whereas an independent company like the producers of My Brother The Devil, there wouldn't be as much of a budget for bigger cast and people to make the movie, meaning shorter credits.
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